"You can't make somebody understand something if their salary depends upon them not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair

Saturday, March 17, 2007

in the beginning

About two years ago, I had a debate with my brother about corporations. I had casually dropped the line that I think corporations are the root of all evil in the world. He protested, and we had a long debate about the harms (and benefits) corporations have brought to us.

I'd like to think of myself not as a "pure anti-corporate" person who is against corporations just for the heck of it. I think that position is impossible to take up anyway, because corporations are so much part of our world. I also like to think that corporations can do good if some changes are made, and/or if people are able to find out for themselves and make changes in their lifestyles.

My attitude against corporations probably came after graduating from business school. Or perhaps, during business school. I admired the whole talk about efficiency, productivity, and motivation. I think they're good principles, but more and more I see the abuse and greed associated.

The main argument my brother made was that corporations aren't evil; and that it's people who do bad things. I think there's logical but problematic. That's like saying that despotic or fascist governments are fine; only that dictators abuse their powers. No! I say. The structure is part of the problem. We can change the structure (which will take a long time) and we can change ourselves - our values, beliefs, ways of life. We can do both. In fact, we must.

So, the point of this blog is to foster debate, discussion, and to distribute knowledge. I'd like to think of myself as a reasoned thinker. I will admit to errors if they are revealed. I invite your criticism. But more than anything, I'd like to share what I've learned.

Oh, and by the way, I'm not always this serious.

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